Replicação entre servidores
Como ajustar divergências de DDLs já executados?
Erros tipo:
- alter table/create table' com erro '... already exists'
- alter table com erro 'multiple primary keys for table ... are not allowed'
update dml_logs
set queue = 'D'
where queue = 'E'
and (error_message like 'ERROR: %already exists' or error_message like 'ERROR: multiple primary keys for table%are not allowed')
and (dml like 'alter table%' or dml like 'create table%' or dml like 'create index%');
update dml_logs
set queue = 'D'
where queue = 'E'
and (error_message like 'ERROR: constraint % does not exist')
and dml like 'alter table % drop constraint %';
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